Below you will find a description of the available coaching and workshop offerings. Sessions are generally 60 minutes in length and pricing varies depending on the type of coaching/training needed.


This 10-week course is designed to equip you with essential tools for leadership, team building, and strengthening personal resilience. Through weekly illumination and visionary practice activities, I will be personally guiding you to embrace your most authentic style of leadership. During our one-on-one training sessions, you will explore new ways to stand with strength, integrity, accountability, grace, patience, and calm. The course is split into the following three phases:

Phase One — Seeking

During phase one, participants will be invited to start their process of self-exploration and embodied healing. Self-embodiment will begin by using the body as a tool for healing as they explore topics centered around self-awareness, mindfulness, connection, balance, acceptance, and self-regulation.

Phase Two — Gathering & Growing

During phase two, participants will be invited to gather new tools for their journey into leadership. They will explore new archetypes and ways of being in the world. Participants will also be encouraged to understand diverse worldviews; develop routines, rituals, and methods for maintaining self-coherence; and cultivate lasting relationships with others.

Phase Three — Synthesis & Reflection

During phase three, participants will be invited to explore who they are becoming now. They will have several opportunities to practice “getting clear” or creating space for themselves to be introspective. This will also be a time for participants to listen for the calls coming into their lives. Toward the end of this training, they will have the opportunity to creative share their insights and new growing edges.

Free 30 Minute Call


What does it mean to live well? Where are you on your wellness journey? What is your relationship to each of the domains of wellness? Allow me to help you explore these questions and much more with guided personalized wellness coaching. If you're ready to prioritize your health and learn how to operate with accountability and integrity, click below.

Free 30 Minute Call


Are you looking for a cool new way to reduce stress, anxiety and depression in the workplace? How about increasing creativity and motivation? Or improving performance and productivity? Then look no further. I would love to help you build a regenerative company culture. To facilitate the workshop in person, all you will need to do is provide a room for staff members to sit or lie down in.

Let's Get Started